Thursday, August 04, 2005
Luckybuzzzzz just set up The Yogini with blog capabilities. That's what os9 does to you. If only Shazam was here, we would could climb up on the upper roof and dance naked in the wind. Smokey would probably get in on the fun too, without going upper deck or naked. Ms. Highlights could forget for a moment that she will be married any minute and she could spit irishItalian curses at the hotel keeper. Mama Brown, if she could stay up this late, would try to calm all of our insanity and Luckybuzzz would just be so damn glad to be on the rooftop that she would smile smile smile and remember to herself that she is no longer a smoker. Azucar is somewhere over Nevada sleeping off last night's drunk, and it's almost time to get in the silken Lumina with JakBJak to fetch her and bring her home. And those are the people in my neighborhood.