Friday, August 05, 2005

That's right, I've been cooking. I had to leave the sunshiny rooftop at noon to go earn a little money, and I left more than beautiful weather behind. The Yogini and Azucar were laughing and drinking Fat Tire when I went. And when I returned it looked much the same, only they had added a Chicken. And I am not talking poultry. And grits ain't groceries. They were a jolly threesome and I was a grumpy me-some. I decided the best way to get over my mood was to start preparing for tomorrow's event. Chopping onions and garlic usually fixes things. It took a while, and some ginger grating, potato peeling, chutney brewing and spinach fixing, but it did the trick. Also, watching Chicken and Azucar stem the most humongous bag of spinach in town was nice. I could watch that most Friday nights. What annoyed me and how does this prove I am nuts? Listening to at least an hour and a half of Led Zepplin on full blast. Spilled beer on the deck and the "attempt" to clean it by spraying 1/3 of the deck with water - and I was in socks and no shoes. People asking me what to do. Sad puppy drunk faces. Drunken babble. Yeah, I got issues. But the food has turned out nice so far. And by nice I mean yummy good. Just have to transfer the chutney from the pan to the jar. Then I think bed is the best place for me. And yes, I do know how early it is. There is so much more weekend ahead of me, though. And I don't have a bumper pool table. And I haven't come up with a good word by accident yet, and I'm not sure if one will slip in if I just keep writing this sentence. Nope, the sentence is over and there's no fancy word worth rhyming in sight. But do any cool words rhyme with sight other than blight and ignite?

delight. uptight. :) Sprite.

Oh, also: indulge! (Had to ask Gospel Bob for help on that one, but he got it right away.)
Hey, come on, I need updates! :)
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