Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gobble gobble gobble. Slept in today. Never happens. Ever. But I guess since everybody has today off, the entire Mission decided to get a good drunk on and rip the neighborhood to pieces. There was screaming and yelling and car alarms and police sirens and a brief rainstorm (probably not caused by the drunks) and Lucille hissing at Foxy (again, not necessarily drunk-related) and then, to top it all off, a car horn that some dumb ass sat on for about 20 minutes shortly after 4am. If I had the strength, I would have packed a bag, jumped in the car and headed for my new life in the early morning hours. But, the Yogini reminds me that it is exactly a month from today that we could potentially hit the road. Yee. Haw. Sleepy. Having Little Knitter's Vegetarian Thanksgiving. Whilst knitting. It is quite a masterpiece of flexibility and gourmet cookery. Have a slice of blueberry pie for the Yogini.

One month! YAY! I love me some blueberry pie. Im very grateful you are blogging again (and coming "home") so happy thanksgiving to you and the fantastic yogini!
Mmmm, blueberry pie. I had a small piece of blueberry rolypoly yesterday. Is this a New England thing? Because as far as I could see, it was blueberry pie in a different shape.

Hope the Little Knitters Veg. Thanksgiving was wonderful. We thought of you two often and with abundant drunken love yesterday.
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