Monday, December 18, 2006

3 nights left.
All the plants are gone.
Sleeping on the couch.
Shipping 17 boxes with some guy with a pickup.
But he gave me his pastor's number for a reference.
He's coming to get them after we're gone.
So much yarn so little time.
This haiku went bad long ago.
Can't sleep past four.
Not from cat.
Ohio is warmer than Frisco.

ohhhh im so excited! it always scares me when they give you the pastor reference....
The pastor reference thing is pretty funny. That's supposed to reassure you?

3 more nights! Exciting! :)
I thought you would both enjoy the pastor reference...and you did! Here's more fodder for you re the pastor. When I called to talk to him the first time, he was on his way to church. Overkill?
2 nights. 2 cats. 2 knitting machines. 2 computers. 2 printers. 2 suitcases. 2 litter boxes. 2 girls.
2 Fast. 2 Furious.

Uh, 2 Live Crew?

Never mind....

But, 2 printers?
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