Friday, January 25, 2008

Puerto Vallarta no mas.
Back to 7 degrees and car won't start at the Park n Fly.
Then the heat wouldn't come on in the house home at 3am.
Heading for Columbus in less than 24 hours.
Is Columbus like Mexico?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bad blogging by Skycat.
Leaving for Mexico in 10 hours.
Adios snow.

Monday, January 07, 2008

I don't like that last post taking up all that room on the top of my blog, so....
I love my birthday. This year, the Yogini and I will be 38 together. Her number is 3 and mine is 8, and I think that's cool. It won't happen again until we are 83 which is 45 years from now. And as you may have figured out, that is more than a lifetime away. Freaking awesome. And Pluto (still a planet in my eyes) is in my court for like the next 15 years.
My birthday plans changed when we got ourselves a January thaw and it was over 60 degrees out today. So, skiing, no. But, I am meeting Mountain Girl at Kent State tomorrow and we're going ice skating. Then to Taco Tontos. Then to see a movie. I feel 16, except happier and luckier and considerably older.

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